A date that ends up back at the apartment as the wine flow continues, things seem to be going great. If only it were that simple.
Outside the Spotlight says: A highly intriguing take on what it means to consent; with fantastic performances from two faces that you may recognise. 'Date' is a short that looks like it's been pulled straight from a feature film and does certainly get you thinking.
HollyShorts Film Festival 2019
San Jose International Short Film Festival 2019
Mammoth Film Festival 2020
Fort Myers Film Festival
Yountville International Short Film Festival

Jonathan Lipnicki (Jerry Maguire, Stuart Little) - OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM @jonathanlipnicki
Carlson Young (Key and Peele, MTV's 'Scream') - OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM: @carlsonyoung
Director: Scott Rodgers - OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM: @misterscottrodgers Writer: Theresa Rebeck Producers: Andrew Carlberg and Theresa Rebeck - OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM: @andrewcarlberg Executive Producer: Jonathan Lipnicki Director of Photography: Arlene Muller - OFFICAL INSTAGRAM @arlenska Production and Costume Design: Deniz Gumustas Editor: Carlos Haynes - OFFICIAL WEBSITE OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM: @carloshaynes